lingering in lethbridge
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
An Introduction
My name is John Stewart.
I'm 23 years old and not exactly what one would consider to be normal. I operate under the pseudonym of 'the tortured artist'. I moved to lethbridge in October of 1999 to study art at Sheffield University and never left.
While i was there someone noticed some of my work, and it was sold just before i graduated. I had no reason to leave, so i found a place in Underthorpe. It's not great, but its home. It has somewhere to sleep live and draw and paint.
Two years on and i can still afford to do the odd free commission. Which is why this journal exists. I've taken on a free commission; to help out over at the University in Sheffield - a PhD student in psychology is doing a study partly funded by the art department into psychological profiles of art, subjects and artists and wants a live study in me. Who better than me? well... i can't comment, but i can't do this by halves. Which is why this is in existance. The guy wants to profile my personality and establish whether the way i see the world influences how i paint the world. He still won't get everything, there are some secrets human ears cannot and will not hear, so it will all go here, to be edited so its fit for comsumption.

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